Facility | Process | Capacity MWe net | Current Status | Start Year | Owner | Location |
AGESTA | PHWR | 10 | Shut down | 1964 | Barsebäck Kraft AB | Sweden |
Argonne EBWR | BWR | 5 | Shut down | 1956 | US Department of Energy (DOE) | United States |
Armenia-1 (Metsamor) | PWR | 376 | Shut down | 1979 | JSC Armenia NPP | Armenia |
Barsebaeck-1 | BWR | 602 | Shut down | 1975 | Sydkraft AB/Barseback Kraft | Sweden |
Barsebaeck-2 | BWR | 602 | Shut down | 1977 | Barsebaeck Kraft AB | Sweden |
Beloyarsk-1 | LWGR/RBMK | 102 | Shut down | 1964 | Ministry of Atomic Energy and Industry (MAEI) | Russian Federation |
Beloyarsk-2 | LWGR/RBMK | 170 | Shut down | 1969 | Ministry of Atomic Energy and Industry (MAEI) | Russian Federation |
Berkeley-1 | GCR (Magnox) | 138 | Shut down | 1962 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) | United Kingdom |
Berkeley-2 | GCR (Magnox) | 138 | Shut down | 1962 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) | United Kingdom |
Big Rock Point | BWR | 67 | Shut down | 1963 | Consumers Energy | United States |
BN-350 Aktau (Shevchenko) | LMFBR | 70 | Shut down | 1973 | National Atomic Company Kazatomprom | Kazakhstan |
Bohunice A-1 | HWGCR | 107 | Shut down | 1972 | SEP | Slovak Republic |
Bohunice-1 | PWR/VVER | 408 | Shut down | 1980 | Slovak Energy Board | Slovak Republic |
Bohunice-2 | PWR/VVER | 408 | Shut down | 1981 | Slovak Energy Board | Slovak Republic |
Bonus (Demo) | BWR | 17 | Shut down | | US Department of Energy (DOE) | United States |
BR-3 PWR (test) | PWR | 11 | Shut down | 1962 | SCK.CEN | Belgium |
Bradwell Unit A | GCR (Magnox) | 123 | Shut down | 1962 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) | United Kingdom |
Bradwell Unit B | GCR (Magnox) | 123 | Shut down | 1962 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) | United Kingdom |
Bugey-1 | GCR | 540 | Shut down | 1972 | Electricite de France (EdF) | France |
Calder Hall-1 | GCR (Magnox) | 50 | Shut down | 1956 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) | United Kingdom |
Calder Hall-2 | GCR (Magnox) | 50 | Shut down | 1957 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) | United Kingdom |
Calder Hall-3 | GCR (Magnox) | 50 | Shut down | 1958 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) | United Kingdom |
Calder Hall-4 | GCR (Magnox) | 50 | Shut down | 1959 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) | United Kingdom |
Caorso | BWR | 860 | Shut down | 1981 | Societa Gestione Impianti Nucleari SpA (Sogin) | Italy |
Carolinas CVTR | PHWR | 17 | Shut down | 1963 | CVNPA | United States |
Chapelcross-1 | GCR (Magnox) | 49 | Shut down | 1959 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) | United Kingdom |
Chapelcross-2 | GCR (Magnox) | 49 | Shut down | 1959 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) | United Kingdom |
Chapelcross-3 | GCR (Magnox) | 49 | Shut down | 1959 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) | United Kingdom |
Chapelcross-4 | GCR (Magnox) | 49 | Shut down | 1960 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) | United Kingdom |
Chernobyl-1 | LWGR/RBMK | 925 | Shut down | 1978 | Energoatom | Ukraine |
Chernobyl-2 | LWGR/RBMK | 925 | Shut down | 1979 | Energoatom | Ukraine |
Chernobyl-3 | LWGR/RBMK | 925 | Shut down | 1982 | Energoatom | Ukraine |
Chernobyl-4 | LWGR/RBMK | 925 | Shut down | 1984 | Energoatom | Ukraine |
Chinon-1 | GCR | 70 | Shut down | 1964 | Electricite de France (EdF) | France |
Chinon-2 | GCR | 210 | Shut down | 1965 | Electricite de France (EdF) | France |
Chinon-3 | GCR | 480 | Shut down | 1966 | Electricite de France (EdF) | France |
Chooz-A (Prototype) | PWR | 310 | Shut down | 1967 | Electricite de France (EdF) | France |
Douglas Point (Prototype) | PHWR/CANDU | 206 | Shut down | 1968 | Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd (AECL) | Canada |
Dounreay DFR | FBR | 14 | Shut down | 1962 | UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) | United Kingdom |
Dounreay PFR | FBR | 250 | Shut down | 1976 | UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) | United Kingdom |
Dresden-1 | BWR | 200 | Shut down | 1960 | Commonwealth Edison (CommEd) | United States |
Dungeness-A1 | GCR (Magnox) | 225 | Shut down | 1965 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) | United Kingdom |
Dungeness-A2 | GCR (Magnox) | 225 | Shut down | 1965 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) | United Kingdom |
EBR-II (test) | FBR | 17 | Shut down | 1964 | Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) | United States |
Elk River | BWR | 22 | Shut down | 1964 | US Department of Energy (DOE) | United States |
Enrico Fermi-1 | FBR | 61 | Shut down | 1966 | PRDC | United States |
Fort St Vrain | HTGR | 330 | Shut down | 1979 | Public Service Co of Colorado (PSCC) | United States |
Fugen ATR | HWLWR | 148 | Shut down | 1979 | Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC) | Japan |
Fukushima-Daiichi-1 | BWR | 439 | Shut down | 1971 | Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) | Japan |
Fukushima-Daiichi-2 | BWR | 760 | Shut down | 1974 | Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) | Japan |
Fukushima-Daiichi-3 | BWR | 760 | Shut down | 1976 | Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) | Japan |
Fukushima-Daiichi-4 | BWR | 760 | Shut down | 1978 | Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) | Japan |
G-2 (Marcoule) | GCR | 38 | Shut down | 1959 | CEA/EDF | France |
G-3 (Marcoule) | GCR | 38 | Shut down | 1960 | CEA/EDF | France |
Garigliano | BWR | 150 | Shut down | 1964 | Societa Gestione Impianti Nucleari SpA (Sogin) | Italy |
Gentilly-1 (Demo) | HWLWR/CANDU | 250 | Shut down | 1972 | Hydro-Quebec | Canada |
GKN Dodewaard | BWR | 55 | Shut down | 1969 | Gemeenschappelijke Kernenergiecentrale Nederland (GKN) | Netherlands |
Greifswald-1 | PWR/VVER | 408 | Shut down | 1974 | EWN | Germany |
Greifswald-2 | PWR/VVER | 408 | Shut down | 1975 | EWN | Germany |
Greifswald-3 | PWR/VVER | 408 | Shut down | 1978 | EWN | Germany |
Greifswald-4 | PWR/VVER | 408 | Shut down | 1979 | EWN | Germany |
Greifswald-5 | PWR/VVER | 408 | Shut down | 1989 | EWN | Germany |
Grosswelzheim | BWR | 23 | Shut down | 1970 | KfK | Germany |
Gundremmingen KRB-A | BWR | 237 | Shut down | 1967 | RWE Energie AG | Germany |
Haddam Neck | PWR | 590 | Shut down | 1968 | Northern Utilities | United States |
Hallam | Na-graphite | 75 | Shut down | 1963 | DOE/NPPD | United States |
Hamaoka-1 | BWR | 515 | Shut down | 1976 | Chubu Electric Power Co | Japan |
Hamaoka-2 | BWR | 806 | Shut down | 1978 | Chubu Electric Power Co | Japan |
Hinkley Point-A1 | GCR (Magnox) | 235 | Shut down | 1965 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) | United Kingdom |
Hinkley Point-A2 | GCR (Magnox) | 235 | Shut down | 1965 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) | United Kingdom |
Humboldt Bay | BWR | 63 | Shut down | 1963 | Pacific Gas and Electric Co (PG&E) | United States |
Hunterston-A1 | GCR (Magnox) | 160 | Shut down | 1964 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) | United Kingdom |
Hunterston-A2 | GCR (Magnox) | 160 | Shut down | 1964 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) | United Kingdom |
Ignalina-1 | LWGR/RBMK | 1185 | Shut down | 1985 | Lithuanian Ministry of Economy | Lithuania |
Ignalina-2 | LWGR/RBMK | 1185 | Shut down | 1987 | Lithuanian Ministry of Economy | Lithuania |
Indian Point-1 | PWR | 255 | Shut down | 1962 | Entergy Corp | United States |
Jose Cabrera-1 (Zorita) | PWR | 142 | Shut down | 1969 | Union Fenosa Generation S.A. | Spain |
JPDR-II | BWR | 10 | Shut down | 1965 | Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute (JAERI) | Japan |
Juelich AVR | HTGR | 13 | Shut down | 1969 | Arbeitsgemeinschaft Versuchsreaktor GmbH (AVR) | Germany |
Kahl VAK | BWR | 15 | Shut down | 1962 | VAK | Germany |
Karlsruhe MZFR | PHWR | 52 | Shut down | 1966 | KBG | Germany |
KNK-II | FBR | 17 | Shut down | 1977 | Kernkraftwerk | Germany |
Kozloduy-1 | PWR/VVER | 408 | Shut down | 1974 | National Electricity Co (NEC) | Bulgaria |
Kozloduy-2 | PWR/VVER | 408 | Shut down | 1975 | National Electricity Co (NEC) | Bulgaria |
Kozloduy-3 | PWR/VVER | 408 | Shut down | 1981 | National Electricity Co (NEC) | Bulgaria |
Kozloduy-4 | PWR/VVER | 408 | Shut down | 1982 | National Electricity Co (NEC) | Bulgaria |
LaCrosse | BWR | 50 | Shut down | 1969 | DPC | United States |
Latina | GCR | 153 | Shut down | 1964 | Societa Gestione Impianti Nucleari SpA (Sogin) | Italy |
Lingen KWL | BWR | 240 | Shut down | 1968 | KWL | Germany |
Lucens CNL | HWGCR | 9 | Shut down | 1968 | SNA/COS | Switzerland |
Maine Yankee | PWR | 870 | Shut down | 1972 | Maine Yankee Atomic Power Co | United States |
Millstone-1 | BWR | 660 | Shut down | 1971 | Northern Utilities | United States |
Muelheim-Karlich | PWR | 1219 | Shut down | 1987 | RWE Energie AG | Germany |
Niederaichbach (KKN) | HWGCR | 100 | Shut down | 1973 | Bayernwerk Kernernergie GmbH | Germany |
Novo Melekes (VK50) | LWGR/RBMK | 65 | Shut down | 1965 | Ministry of Atomic Energy and Industry (MAEI) | Russian Federation |
Novovoronezh-1 | PWR/VVER | 196 | Shut down | 1969 | Rosenergoatom | Russian Federation |
Novovoronezh-2 | PWR/VVER | 336 | Shut down | 1970 | Rosenergoatom | Russian Federation |
Obninsk APS (Prototype) | LWGR | 5 | Shut down | 1954 | Minatom | Russian Federation |
Obrigheim | PWR | 340 | Shut down | 1969 | EnBW Kraftwerk AG | Germany |
Pathfinder test reactor | BWR | 59 | Shut down | 1966 | Northern States Power (NSP) | United States |
Peach Bottom-1 | HTGR | 40 | Shut down | 1967 | PEC | United States |
Phenix | FBR | 233 | Shut down | 1974 | Commissariat a l"Energie Atomique (CEA) | France |
Piqua | OMR | 11 | Shut down | 1963 | US Department of Energy (DOE) | United States |
Rancho Seco | PWR | 913 | Shut down | 1975 | Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) | United States |
Rheinsberg KKR | PWR/VVER | 62 | Shut down | 1966 | EWN | Germany |
Rolphton NPD (Demo) | PHWR/CANDU | 22 | Shut down | 1962 | Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd (AECL) | Canada |
San Onofre-1 (SONGS-1) | PWR | 436 | Shut down | 1968 | Southern Calfornia Ed.(80%), SDGE(20%) | United States |
Santa Susana SRE | Na-graphite | 8 | Shut down | 1957 | DOE leased to SoCalEd | United States |
Shippingport | PWR | 60 | Shut down | 1957 | US Department of Energy (DOE) | United States |
Shoreham | BWR | 809 | Shut down | 1985 | Long Island Power Authority | United States |
Sizewell-A1 | GCR (Magnox) | 210 | Shut down | 1966 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) | United Kingdom |
Sizewell-A2 | GCR (Magnox) | 210 | Shut down | 1966 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) | United Kingdom |
St. Laurent-A1 | GCR | 480 | Shut down | 1969 | Electricite de France (EdF) | France |
St. Laurent-A2 | GCR | 515 | Shut down | 1971 | Electricite de France (EdF) | France |
Stade | PWR | 640 | Shut down | 1972 | EON Kernkraft GmbH | Germany |
Super-Phenix | FBR | 1200 | Shut down | | NERSA | France |
Three Mile Island-2 | PWR | 905 | Shut down | 1978 | Pen/JCPL/MetEd | United States |
THTR-300 | HTGR | 296 | Shut down | 1987 | HKG | Germany |
Tokai-1 | GCR (Magnox) | 159 | Shut down | 1966 | Japan Atomic Power Co (JAPCO) | Japan |
Trawsfynydd-1 | GCR (Magnox) | 196 | Shut down | 1965 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) | United Kingdom |
Trawsfynydd-2 | GCR (Magnox) | 196 | Shut down | 1965 | Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) | United Kingdom |
Trino Vercellese | PWR | 260 | Shut down | 1965 | Societa Gestione Impianti Nucleari SpA (Sogin) | Italy |
Trojan | PWR | 1095 | Shut down | 1976 | PortGE/PAcPL/EWEB | United States |
Vallecitos VBWR | BWR | 5 | Shut down | 1957 | General Electric | United States |
Vandellos-1 | GCR | 480 | Shut down | 1972 | Hifrensa | Spain |
Windscale WAGR | GCR (AGR) | 32 | Shut down | 1963 | UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) | United Kingdom |
Winfrith SGHWR | SGHWR | 92 | Shut down | 1968 | UK Atomic Energy Authority (UKAEA) | United Kingdom |
Wurgassen | BWR | 640 | Shut down | 1975 | EON Kernkraft GmbH | Germany |
Yankee Rowe | PWR | 167 | Shut down | 1961 | Yankee Atomic Electric Co | United States |
Zion-1 | PWR | 1040 | Shut down | 1973 | Commonwealth Edison (CommEd) | United States |
Zion-2 | PWR | 1040 | Shut down | 1974 | Commonwealth Edison (CommEd) | United States |
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