Samstag, 4. Juni 2011

AKW- Lebensdauer: von Bauteilen beschränkt

Nun hat die Regierung knurrend schliesslich die Übertragung von Restlaufzeitmengen aufgegeben.
Und dem schrittweisen Abschalten zu konkreten Terminen zugestimmt.

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um sie zufrieden zu stellen ?

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Wie ist das eigentlich mit der Lebensdauer von in den Steuerungen verwendeten Microchips, Halbleiterbauelemente ?

Wie lang ist eigentlich die Speicherdauer der Programme, die in den Microkontrollern der Prozesssteuerungen von AKW ablaufen ?
Welchen Einfluss hat die ionisierende Strahlung auf Speichererhalt und Lebensdauer der Chips ?

 Wie verhalten sich die elektronischen Steuerungen im Falle einer Nuklearexplosion (EMP)?
Two fundamental damage mechanisms take place:
  • Ionization effects are caused by charged particles, including the ones with energy too low to cause lattice effects. The ionization effects are usually transient, creating glitches and soft errors, but can lead to destruction of the device if they trigger other damage mechanisms, e.g. a latchup. Photocurrent caused by ultraviolet and x-ray radiation may belong to this category as well. Gradual accumulation of holes in the oxide layer in MOSFET transistors leads to worsening of their performance, up to device failure when the dose is high enough; see total ionizing dose effects.
The effects can vary wildly depending on all the parameters - the type of radiation, total dose and the radiation flux, combination of types of radiation, and even the kind of the device load (operating frequency, operating voltage, actual state of the transistor during the instant it is struck by the particle), which makes thorough testing difficult, time consuming, and requiring a lot of test samples.

The sensitivity of the devices may increase together with increasing level of integration and decreasing size of individual structures. There is also the risk of induced radioactivity caused by neutron activation, which is a major source of noise in high energy astrophysics instruments. Induced radiation, together with residual radiation from impurities in used materials, can cause all sorts of single-event problems during the device's lifetime. GaAs LEDs, common in optocouplers, are very sensitive to neutrons. 

Total ionizing dose effects: The cumulative damage of the semiconductor lattice (lattice displacement damage) caused by ionizing radiation over the exposition time. It is measured in rads and causes slow gradual degradation of the device's performance; total dose greater than 5000 rads delivered to silicon-based devices in seconds to minutes will cause long-term degradation. In CMOS devices, the radiation creates electron–hole pairs in the gate insulation layers, which cause photocurrents during their recombination, and the holes trapped in the lattice defects in the insulator create a persistent gate biasing and influence the transistors' threshold voltage, making the N-type MOSFET transistors easier and the P-type ones more difficult to switch on. The accumulated charge can be high enough to keep the transistors permanently open (or closed), leading to device failure.

Transient dose effects: The short-time high-intensity pulse of radiation, typically occurring during a nuclear explosion. The high radiation flux creates photocurrents in the entire body of the semiconductor, causing transistors to randomly open, changing logical states of flip-flops and memory cells.

While normal commercial-grade chips can withstand between 50 and 100 gray (5 and 10 krad), space-grade SOI and SOS chips can survive doses many orders of magnitude greater.
Since radiation effects damage the memory content even when the system is not accessing the RAM, a "scrubber" circuit must continuously sweep the RAM; reading out the data, checking the parity for data errors, then writing back any corrections to the RAM.

Nicht unbedingt Beruhigendes aus den AKW-Störmeldungen:

"Aufgrund eines spontanen Fehlschließens des Volllastregelventils im Hauptspeisewasserstrang ..kam es ..zur auslegungsgemäßen Auslösung der Reaktorschnellabschaltung (RESA). Der Ablauf der automatischen Maßnahmen war bestimmungsgemäß und verlief störungsfrei...
konnte der Fehler nicht reproduziert werden. Weitere Untersuchungen werden noch durchgeführt -"

"Reaktorschutzsystem..Aufgrund eines ..aufgetretenen Fehlers ..konnte [Ventil]nicht geschlossen werden. ...Ursache des Fehlers im Einschub wird noch weiter untersucht.. dient der Verhinderung von Aktivitätsfreisetzung an die Umgebung...Der Betreiber hat es in die Stufe 0 der internationalen Bewertungsskala INES eingestuft"

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